Shipping & Delivery

We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and on time.
Please note our shipping policy is as follows:
- Orders placed through the website are normally shipped to a single destination address. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, please get in touch with us at
- We make our best efforts to ship out each item in your order within 3 to 7 working days of the order. However in some cases, we may take longer, up to 10 to 15 working days, to ship the order. In the unlikely event that we are not able to ship your order completely within 20 days of the order, we shall cancel the remaining un-shipped part of the order, and send you an email informing you about the same. In such cases, your payment against the un-shipped part of the order shall be refunded, in the manner you have made the payment. We may also offer you to buy any other product of the same value against the payment already made by you.
- We ship on all week days (Monday to Saturday), excluding Sundays & public holidays.
- For your order to reach you in the fastest time and in good condition, we only ship through reputed courier agencies.
- While we shall endeavor to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics, or lack of availability.
- INR prices are applicable only for orders placed for delivery with-in India
- If you believe, that the product is not in good condition or if the packaging is tampered with / damaged, please refuse to take delivery of the package, and call our Customer Care +91-294-3550847 or mail us at
- Shipping charges for deliveries are additional if not specifically mentioned.
You may track the shipping status of your order in the following ways:
Once the order is dispatched from our store, we update it's details in the system here. You will receive a mail informing you of the updated status along with the tracking details.
You can visit the courier company’s website and track your order.
The deliveries anywhere in India is generally made in 7-10 working days (except for north east which takes a little longer). Deliveries may get delayed due to uncertainties made by bad weather, strikes, holidays, incorrect shipping address etc. No penalty can be imposed on seller for this. The customer is required to co-operate with the delivery personnel and provide them with the required information, paper work and signature.
Door delivery is generally made on the ground floor. The delivery person may assist you to shift the cargo on the upper levels at extra cost.
‘Open package delivery’ is not provided by the cargo agencies. Please put a remark on the ‘Proof of Delivery’ before accepting and signing the document as follows, if you see any discrepancy:
1. “Short Received/ Received ‘n’ packets only”- when you receive parcels lesser than that mentioned in the delivery document.
2. “Parcel number ‘n’ tampered/ damaged/ received open”- when you observe any such thing with the parcels you receive.
We’ll be able to take up these issues with the cargo companies only when there is a remark on the proof of delivery. Try to put these remarks with a bold marker or a red pen.
Gift Delivery
We would be glad to deliver your order to any other specified address should you wish to send an item as a gift to a third party.